"Call for the Rejuvenation of the Ministry of the Ordained Deaconess"
“A Call for the Rejuvenation of the Ministry of the Ordained Deaconess” has been published by Saint Catherine's Vision, an international, Pan-Orthodox fellowship of Orthodox women theologians and other lay servant-leaders. The document is addressed to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the Secretariat of the Great and Holy Council. It is being widely distributed for prayerful reflection by hierarchs, clergy and laity.

About Saint Catherine's Vision
We are an organization of women theologians addressing contemporary concerns from an Orthodox Christian perspective.

Encountering Women of Faith
This book series provides a rich tapestry of witness from the lives of holy women throughout Christian history.
About Orthodox Christianity
God invites us to experience and participate in His love by offering ourselves to one another.

Ways to Help
We welcome all donations to help grow this unique ministry. We deeply appreciate all donations and we thank you!
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Hieromartyr Haralambos
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Hieromartyr Haralambos; Anastasios, Patriarch of Jerusalem; Porphyrios & Baptos the Monk-martyrs
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